Friday 28 December 2012

Christianity - The good fight

1 Timothy 6 v 11 - 12(ESV)
           ''but as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of Faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses

Every good fighter has weaknesses and every good opponent has the ability to exploit such weaknesses. When the two fighters come together, it becomes a battle to see who will be able to outplay/outdo the other fighter and this usually makes for good viewing as a spectator.

As a Christian, a fight is something that you should be able to relate to because of its relevance in your Christian walk. Paul wrote to Timothy, urging him to pursue the things that would benefit his Christianity and help him stay in line with the will of God for his life(righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness) and knowing that this would be difficult to do he also told him to fight.

The Christian walk has never been an easy path to walk, it sure has its challenges, from the times of the believers getting persecuted and killed,  for believing Jesus was the son of God, to the modern times of true Christians getting ridiculed for standing against things like abortion, homosexuality and other socially accepted world views.
Standing up for the right thing and living the right sort of life for a believer has never been easier, Christians all over the world are now constantly having to watch the world slowly decay, and some have to deal with daily persecution from people around them. When you look at all these things you start to realise that the fight lying in front of the ' modern ' Christian is no easy one.
A Christian is not just a person who does what they want, as long as if it feels right, but a Christian is an individual that recognises that they no longer have a life of their own because their lives are hidden in Christ.

Christians will often find themselves in a position that could possibly make them compromise, and these sort of situations come around in all shapes and sizes. Always remember that sin is sin and there is no way around it. God requires perfection from us all because he is Holy and he will not look at sin no matter the magnitude of the sin. 1 Thessalonians 4 v 7 '' For God has not called us for impurity but for holiness. Therefore whoever disregards this, disregards not man, but God who gives his Holy Spirit to you''
Remember that a Christian is supposed to represent Christ, when the world sees you they should see Christ in you and nothing other than that.

Always fight to meet the mark, but at the same time understand that without Jesus and without God's grace and mercy, our fleshly efforts to try and meet he mark are futile. Pursue God with a humble broken heart that is looking to the potter to mend it and make it into what he desires. Fight the good fight of faith and remember that this fight was won a long time ago... yours is just to see out the remaining rounds without losing the plot and getting knocked out.

God Bless