Friday 13 September 2013

The Struggle With Sin

There has been many historic struggles in the past that have made an impact on the how we view the world today. Many of which we look at today and wonder how those involved summoned up the courage to stand up for what they believed were their rights and be willing to fight for such freedom. One cannot help but think of the civil African American civil rights movement which looked to bring equal rights, or even the fight against Apartheid in South Africa. These struggles had people in the forefront, those who will forever be remembered as heroes and be revered all over the world, these are the Martin Luther Kings and the Nelson Mandela's. Although what occurred during these times was hurtful and painful at the time, the end result was definitely worth it.

The struggle with sin is one that has a long history with human beings, in fact the struggle with sin has been there since the fall of Adam in the garden. That fall made sin become part of human nature, that fall made it very difficult for human nature to follow the instructions found in the word of the creator. That fall set the stage for the beginning of a long battle with sin. Just like the other struggles that have booked their places in history, the struggle with sin causes a lot of pain. The flesh has never been a very obedient part of us, the flesh wants what it wants regardless of whether that pleases God or not. It is selfish, self seeking and not concerned about the consequences. So everyday becomes a struggle to obey God not always because you are not 'spiritual' but simply because you are going against what has been ingrained in your flesh.

Falling is not the issue when it comes to struggles with sin. The issue is whether or not we are willing to get back up again and look to serve God again despite our failings. We were born with sin but that doesn't necessarily mean we should live with it. Christ died on the cross so that we would be free from sin, 1 Timothy 1:15 - '' The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of which I am the foremost.''
Every time we fall back into sin we then have two choices to make, either stay in that state or repent of our sins. It is a struggle because we are constantly tempted, constantly losing our tempers and sometimes even grumbling about anything and everything.

The temptations we face daily are not unique to us only, there is always someone else in the world who is going through the same kind of struggles or who has made it through similar struggles.
 1 Corinthians 10 : 13, ''No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it''.

Jesus came and lived on this earth with no blemish or a tint of sin on Him. In this struggle against sin he is our hero not only because he lived through it but also because his life was taken so that our sins may be cast away and we would be given a new life and a fresh start. A struggle will have pain in it and that will come in many ways, sometimes something has to be given up and sometimes certain things have to be done to ensure that you do not fail. Either way, we have been commanded to endure because the reward will be great.

So even though it is a struggle to keep standing in the faith because sinning has become the norm and everyone doesn't seem to be trying to avoid the light and understand that although the struggle is hard to fight through without faltering, we have a Hero who is always there to help you through it. Leave it on his plate and he will deal with it, endure the pain for the reward is much greater.

Romans 5 : 3

God Bless

Kev n' Hannah.